Did you know your tagboard doesnt appear for me? =.= I'm anti-cbox now. But anyways, congrats on getting merit!
Haha thanks! What browser are you using? Cbox should appear fine for both Mozilla and IE.
freshrimp whispered at 15 May, 2006 12:07.
HAHA. if you're using IE, stop that gayness at once! go for firefox. opera is cool too.
Unknown? whispered at 15 May, 2006 21:55.
(yes i know cbox works for all browsers but that isnt the point. ditch IE. it's gay, like microsoft)
Unknown? whispered at 15 May, 2006 21:56.
[alex] i dont use ie. i use firefox. and it doesnt work for both okay. and its not only shim's site; it happens for almost all cboxes for me.