
27 September 2006
Goood Dayy!

Amgz, so im here posting. No today isnt any special day, nor is a good day like my post title, im just here for fun. Ok i lied, today is a special day. In fact, today is the birthday of the papa of this site. No, not me, the other one, who always posts and tags all the time? Yea, that one. Remember him well. For on this glorious day 16 years ago, he was born. He should be at home enjoying or going out for dinner to celebrate or something later on. Oh well. Enjoy youself Shim. Happy Birthday!

Steven put thoughts into writing at 18:05.
Comments? Whisper 'em! (1 whispered.)

Comments by them:-

Thank you STEVEN TAN! =D


Blogger freshrimp whispered at 27 September, 2006 20:59.  

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